K1LOK 2019

19 January 2019: North American QSO Party

I made 54 contacts, all within the US. 35% were on 80 meter, 41% on 40 meter, and 24% on 20 meter. The furthest QSO was with KL7SB (BP40js) in Alaska at 3452 km (2144 miles) on 80 meters.

26 January 2019: Winter Field Day

I set up in my back yard (DN40cj) for this one. I had 37 QSOs, mostly on 20 meters. 3 of the contacts were in Canada. I had two contacts with Hawaii, NH7NJ and NH6JC (both BL02) at 4885 and 4889 km respectively (3034 and 3037 miles).


A mystery antenna and a vertical set up for Winter Field Day

2 March 2019: ARRL International DX Contest

I had 47 contacts from 19 different countries. Most were in the Americas, but there were quite a few from Japan and New Zealand. I worked both 20 and 40 meters. The furthest contact was ZM1A (RF73jc) in New Zealand at 11391 km (7075 miles) on 40 meters.

16 March 2019: Louisiana QSO Party

With two contacts, I won first place for Utah.


30 March 2019: CQ Worldwide WPX Contest

I operated for part of this from Fish Park in American Fork and my home QTH (both DN40cj). My furthest contact was PQ5B in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil (GG52) at 9960 km (6168 miles).

13 April 2019: New Mexico and Georgia QSO Parties

I had just two contacts in each state. The New Mexico ones were on 40 meters and the Georgia ones were on 20 meters.

4 May 2019: 7th Area QSO Party et al

I operated for the first part of Saturday from the county line of Piute and Wayne Counties (DM48ck) near Koosharem, Utah. I submitted logs for both the 7QP and the New England QSO Party. With the two contacts I submitted for New England, they gave me a certificate for third place. I had 55 QSOs for the 7QP. I was probably the only station for Piute County, so I son first place for my efforts. My furthest 7QP contact was WV4P (EM55) in Tennessee at a distance of 2126 km (1320 miles).


Portable set up along UT 24 East of Koosharem, Utah on the Piute-Wayne County Line (DM48ck).

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20 May 2019: W7K World Metrology Day - Redefinition of the kelvin

This station celebrated the redefinition of the SI unit kelvin which took place on 20 May 2019. This station operated from one of the most accurate temperature standards laboratories in the world in American Fork, Utah County, Utah (DN40ci), Fluke Calibration.

W7K Special Event Page - Redefinition of the kelvin


Verical antenna on the roof of the building

22 June 2019: Field Day

Due to a three-foot snow pack on Skyline Drive, the Skyline Radio Club opted to have their field day at W7DKO and KD7PZK’s cabin above Accord Lakes. Besides radio fun, we had a great potluck and even had a June snow flurry.

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Two antennas used by the Skyline Radio Club (K7BSK) above Accord Lakes, Savier County, Utah (DM48gv)

4 July 2019: Freedom Festival Parade

This year I worked the section between 200 E and University Avenue on 200 S.


K1LOK at the intersection of 100 E and 200 S in Provo, Utah County, Utah (DN40ef)

13 July 2019: IARU HF World Championship

I made 33 contacts in this one. Most were in the US. I had a few in the Caribbean. I had three over 9000 km. ZV5O (GG54) was a 40 meter contact at 9738 km (6048 miles). I had two 20 meter contacts that were probably gray line. They were PX2A (GG66) at 9824 km (6102 mi) and PT5J (GG52) at 9955 km (6183 mi).

9 and 10 August 2019: ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention

I attended the convention at Weber State University (DN41ae) in Ogden, Weber County, Utah. KN0JI and I tried setting up an antenna for an events station, but the administration did not feel comfortable with it. I did help with the registration. I also attended a lot of good an informative talks.

8 September 2019: HPM 150

This was an ARRL celebration event for the 150th birthday of Hiram Percy Maxim. I had 10 contacts including 2 in Maine to AB1EP on both the 20 and 40 meter band.

7 - 13 September 2019: Route 66

I had 12 of the 21 stations this year, including the three in Arizona shown below.


14 September 2019: Texas QSO Party

I had 15 contacts from Texas and 2 from Alabama.

21 September 2019: Salmon Run

I had 16 contacts in 10 different counties. I also had 2 contacts in the New Jersey QSO party (both on 40 meters). With the two New Jersey contacts, I won first place for Utah.

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1 October 2019: WWV Centennial Special Event Station

My boss called me and told me they were doing a special event station at WWV. I found them on 80 meters and made the contact (UTC time was the next day). 2 October 2019 0:17; 3183 kHz; SSB; WW0WWV.


5 October 2019: California QSO Party

For this contest, I had 59 contacts from 36 out of the 58 counties. 71% were on 40 meters, and 29% were on 80 meters. This time I was 2nd place for Utah single operator low power.


12 October 2019: Arizona, Nevada and South Dakota QSO Parties

Nothing too exciting for this one. I had 8 from Arizona, 6 from Nevada, and 1 from South Dakota. The 20 meter band was very short, as I had half of the contacts on 20 meters.

14 October 2019: Moab 240

I participated for a day and a half, helping out with net control.


26 October 2019: CQ World Wide DX Contest

I had 28 contacts. This time I had 3 on 15 meters, which hadn’t been open for a long time. One of the 15 meter contacts was from VP6R (CG55) a DXpedition station on Pitcairn Island in the middle of the Pacific. That was at 7359 km. I had 6 from further distant station, the furthest being LU9MBY (EJ79) at a distance of 9275 km on the 20 meter band.


9 November 2019: Japan DX Contest

I operated mostly from east of Faust, Tooele County, Utah (DN30ue) with some potable operation in American Fork, Utah County, Utah (DN40ci).


Portable operation from near Faust, Tooele County, Utah (DN30ue) for the Japan International DX Contest

28 December 2019: RAC Canada Winter Contest

I won first place for US Call Area 7 Single Op Single Band 20 meter. That’s 8 states. I had 17 contacts.


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WX5LOK Amateur Radio Page

created by:

Frank Liebmann - WX5LOK