W7K Special Event Page - Redefinition of the Kelvin

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Redefinition of the Kelvin

On 20 May 2019, the definition of the kelvin was redefined. Historically, it was defined as the triple-point of water being equal to 273.16 K. Starting May 20, the kelvin is defined by assigning an exact numerical value to the Boltzmann constant. This redefinition will ensure a long-term stability and traceability of the unit for temperature by making it independent of any material substance.

QSL Cards

For a QSL card, please send a SASE to:
K7FLK Fluke Lord Kelvin Amateur Radio Club
799 E Utah Valley Dr
American Fork, Utah 84003

For contacts outside of the USA, please visit the K1LOK QRZ page and send an e-mail to the address there.


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Station Details

W7K celebrated the redefinition of the SI unit kelvin which took place on May 20, 2019. This station was operated from one of the most accurate temperature standards laboratories in the world in American Fork, Utah. Times of operation were 00:00Z to 23:59Z.

The station operated on both HF and VHF.

For HF, operation was on the 20, 40 and 80 meter bands. Echolink contacts were also possible. Thanks to K7PB for letting us use node *K7PB* (946910)

created by:

Frank Liebmann - K1LOK